
Adventist netAward” was established in 2008 by the Communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church to recognize meritorious contributions to the Church’s online ministry through the Internet and related technology in the following categories  – visionary implementation of online ministry, excellence in the responsible use of technological advancement, application development, and recognition of the outreach potential of online technology. 

The Award recognizes individual and group involvement in creative online mission outreach of the church and its public impact.

The Award is offered in harmony with the vision statement of the Church’s communication strategy: “Seventh-day Adventists will communicate hope by focusing on the quality of life that is complete in Christ,” as well as in the context of the Church’s website guidelines and the objectives of the Global Internet Evangelism Network.

The first netAwards were presented at the Global Internet Evangelism Network forum, July 9-13, 2008, in Denver, Colorado, United States.

Nominations for the Adventist netAward are evaluated by a group of Adventist communication and IT professionals:

  • Williams Costa, Jr.
    Director of Communication, General Conference
    Global Adventist internet Network coordinator
  • John Beckett,
    Director of Global Software and Technology, General Conference 
  • Brent Hardinge,
    Assistant director of Communication, General Conference
  • Billy Biaggi,
    Vice-president of Communication, General Conference 


2008 – Denver, Colorado, USA

John Beckett
For fostering awareness of technological advances to expand the ministry and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Team
For development of a Seventh-day Adventist ministry tool for reaching online communities and communicating the values of Bible study on the internet.

Darryl Hosford
For continuing vision to communicate the gospel through internet technology and commitment to grow the Seventh-day Adventist internet community.

Ronald Vyhmeister
For fostering the use of online technology in the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, specifically reaching the unreached people groups in the 10/40 Window through the internet. 

Tom & Violet Zapara
For supporting and empowering others to use technology for the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Gordon Harty/Sean Carney
For pioneering involvement in the application of technology and networking for Seventh-day Adventist mission, including the establishment of the Three Angels’ Global Networking platform, TAGnet.

2009 – Orlando, Florida, USA

Dan Houghton – for a visionary approach to communicating the gospel through technological advancement and networking

Nancy Lamoreaux – for leadership in the use of technology for service and ministry in North America

Klaus Popa – for developing visually creative Web sites and applications for mission outreach of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Europe

Jobson Santos – for fostering the use of technology in the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil 

2011 – Montego Bay, Jamaica

 Jose Romero, information technology director for the church in Inter-America for his contribution to fostering the use of technology and Internet in the territory

Andrew Daryl Gungadoo, global resource engineer for Adventist World Radio in England for leveraging technology to empower AWR’s global operations

Kenneth H. Suanzanang, former Communication director in Myanmar for using technology to address spiritual needs in the Burmese language 

2013 – Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Carlos Magalhães – Pioneering Internet Ministries, South America

Delwin Finch – Web Ministry – Visionary Leadership in North America and the World Church

Luke Pannekoek – Outstanding Leadership- Information Technology Ministry, South Pacific

Andrew Oey Kuntaraf – Technology Leadership- Empowering Seventh-day Adventist Business Worldwide

Rajmund Dabrowski – Overseeing Creation and Adoption of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Logo 

2014 – Balitmore, Maryland, USA

Milton Soldani Afonso – For the visionary support to thousands of people and institutions, enabling the use of communication and technology to full the Mission of the Adventist World Church.

2016 – Silver Spring, Maryland, USA

 Zhau Rui – For dedication and commitment to internet evangelism in mainland China.

Daniel Jiao – For visionary leadership in internet evangelism in mainland China. 

2017 – São Paulo, Brazil

Adventist World Church Youth Department – Creation and development of Global Youth Day, motivating youth to Be the Sermon.

2018 – Seoul, South Korea

Neville Neveling – Creation and development of WhatsApp churches.Roberto Roberti – Creation of a social media evangelism process leading relationships toward baptism.